Mobile Web browsing on rise
Recent analysis revealed a promising rise in the web usage from mobile phones. The reasons are considered to be the enhanced mobile web browsers and flat-rate mobile data plans. The increased popularity of smart phones is another catalyst. It is clear from the words of, ABI research director, Micheal Wolf:
"The increase in awareness of the Web on mobile devices--due to the iPhone and new RIM models--has helped contribute to this growth, as has the continued move towards flat-rate data plans by many mobile operators"

Apple iPhone's web browser became sensational as its browsing experience closely match with that of a PC's. With the heavy success of the iPhone many smartphone manufacturers started to follow the trend. Now all are very keen with their web browsers. Google Android also came up with iPhone like web browser. Manufacturers like Motorola, HTC are planning to release more Android based phones. BlackBerry also introduced an enhanced mobile browser for their new smartphone Bold. All eyes are on its first touchscreen model Storm which is considered as a rival to iPhone. Nokia's touch 5800 Tube is also on race.
If this is not enough there are still more reasons! Subscribing to Mobile data plans are affordable than ever. Many carriers are now offering a flat-data plan. If EDGE is not enough for fast browsing here is 3G. 3G's networks provide reliable and fast access to the web. For a quite some time, the big players in PC web browsers, Forefox, Opera etc are in the business, releasing their own mobile web browsers for smartphones as well as for mid-level phones. Skyfire along with these companies are also working to make their browsers more sophisticated. Opera recently launched beta version of its version 4.2 with improved video rendering with Youtube and more.
About 3-10% of traffic to the top sites come from mobile users! Many top sites have their own sites targeted at mobile browsers. Google said it will provide special support for iPhone users with local results and clock on links.
The increase in mobile web traffic also fueled ad programs targeted at mobile users. With more smarphones in use, fast connectivity and improved browsers the web is about to kick start a promising new era of related services and business!
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