A better BOLD BlackBerry!
Bold is another serious phone that BlackBerry brings into the market. It could be considered as the best BlackBerry phone ever with a lot of best features among BBs. One can't say it is a completely different BlackBerry, but just an improved one. The phone stand out from any other Blackberry in terms of its looks. Sufficient improvements made in this area, from the chrome border around it (resembling that of iPhone's) to the gorgeous screen but it may get scratched easily.
The screen is best thing in this phone. May be best screen in any phone! Its 480x320 screen has high contrast level and good pixel density. It also have screen-auto-dim, that controls the brightness according to the surroundings, giving you no trouble. The first thing came to mind about a Blackberry may be its keyboard. Again Bold features a good quality keyboard, same layout as other BBs, sufficiently large keys that beautifully back litted.

Bold provides very consistent and reliable 3G connection despite the earlier reports. Built in GPS capabilities along with the Blackberry maps is a good companion while your drive, though it is found little slow. Bold also features a good Wi-Fi connectivity for data transfer for reducing your cellular costs. Reports shows a good battery life with its 1500mAh battery that promises to last for a full day of heavy use.
Watching video in a Bold's gorgeous screen is really amazing. Sound department has got notable changes, it features good speakers instead of covered speakers as in Curve. The sound quality improved alot. The menu for music/video remain unchanged except for the looks.
RIM introduced a better and different feel to the OS, though basically it remains same as other BBs. High resolution icons, pleasant looking menu and everything is improved to go with the Bold's look. Like any other BB OS it take a lot of time in start up, it need almost 4 minutes. Once it is loaded it runs really smooth with its speedy 624MHz processor. Along with your favorite applications from RIM Bold features few new apps too, including two new multiplayer games (over wi-fi or cellular networks).
Bold's Browser is too good, again best in a BB. Faster than any other BB, it could even compete with iPhone's rendering speed. It has got improved control in your browsing. The pointer by default is a zoom pointer. Small but significant changes in the area where BB is most interested at, that is the e-mail, like the ability to see pictures in message, full HTML and attachment viewing. The high resolution screen also adds to the better email experience as well as browsing.
So if you are a BlackBerry user who want to upgrade your phone , yeah, this is the way to GO but only if you are still not bothered by the touchscreen trend brought by iPhone! Else wait for the Storm where you can catch everything, even more than, that iPhone offers in a BlackBerry!
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